a) Utmost attention of the psychology of each child.
b) Proper training and development of sense faculties of sight hearing, smell, touch, taste and aesthetic sense.
c) Training of mental faculties, e.g. Observation, attention , memory, judgments, imagination etc. Growth of mental awareness in an atmosphere of joy and freedom.
d) Moral training by the method of suggestion, not by command or imposition or merely by teaching the dogmas of religion.
Curriculum in the classes will be adopted and developed so as  to achieve the above mentioned objectives.








Rinki Singh - Hindi

Rinki Singh Hindi

Kakoli  Ganguly - English, GK

Kakoli  Ganguly English, GK

Bappa Das - Economics ,Accountancy

Bappa Das Economics ,Accountancy

Rimita Chatterjee Kar - Maths, Bengali, GK, Art & Craft

Rimita Chatterjee Kar Maths, Bengali, GK, Art & Craft

Nivedita Ghosh - English Language, English Literature, Social Science

Nivedita Ghosh English Language, English Literature, Social Science

Basabdutta Das - SST, Science, GK, Dictation, Art & Craft

Basabdutta Das SST, Science, GK, Dictation, Art & Craft

Reena Mishra - Social Study, M. SC, EVS

Reena Mishra Social Study, M. SC, EVS

Sayanneta Dey - English Language, English Literature, Science, SSC

Sayanneta Dey English Language, English Literature, Science, SSC

Mahua Chatterjee - Computer Science, Math

Mahua Chatterjee Computer Science, Math

Rishina Das Sardar - English, SSC, M Sc, Spelling & Dictation

Rishina Das Sardar English, SSC, M Sc, Spelling & Dictation

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